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Frequently Asked Questions

For acquiring all information about the site, you can contact us freely. We will provide you with all details of enrollment, submission of fees, courses we provide. Therefore, we will clear all your doubts and provide you with all information about Webcodelearn academy.

What is Webcodelearn academy?

Webcodelearn provides opportunities for software engineers to learn, get guidance through the structured and flexible program, and build their careers.

What would happen if I missed my lecture?

In case of missing lectures, you will get the video of the recorded lecture easily after the completion of the lecture.

Will I get the certification for my course?

After completing your course, you will receive a completion certificate from Webcodelearn.

How will I clear my doubts?

There are several teaching assistants are providing their services in Webcodelearn. They will solve your issues promptly related to class content or assignment.

Can I change my mentor?

We would change the mentor at your request, but it can be changed case-by-case basis.

What role does your tutor perform?

All the courses mentioned in the curriculum are taught by mention. They clear you the concept in detail. We also take online classes, and different tutors will teach you a different topic to you.

Contact Us

For more details contact us. Get complete information about our courses through our website or call us to know about our services.

Free Courses

Through our free class, get personalized guidance from our instructors about advancing your career as a web developer. Understand how Webcodelearn helps you achieve your goals and become a websites developer rock star.

Premium Courses

Our premium courses include full courses related to basic and advanced web development courses, HTML, app and games development, etc. In addition, get recorded videos of class lectures, notes, and everything related to the course.

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