
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed molestie, velit ut eleifend sollicitudin, neque orci tempor nulla, id sagittis nisi ante nec arcu.

Chapter1.:Basics of Java


  1. What is Java?
  2. History and Features of Java
  3. C++ vs Java
  4. Hello Java Program
  5. Internal How to set the path?
  6. JDK, JRE, and JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
  7. JVM Memory Management
  8. Internal details of JVM
  9. Unicode System, Operators, Keywords
  10. Control  Statements like if-else, switch, For loop,while loop, etc.
  11. Class, Object, and Types of classes

Chapter 2 : Naming convention of Java


  1. Classes, Objects, and Features. It explains how to declare a class, how       to create an object in Java.
  2. Object declaration and initialization
  3. Life cycle of an object
  4. Anonymous object in Java
  5. Class and Objects in Java with Realtime Example


Chapter 3: Packages in Java


  1. How to declare package in a company project
  2. Package naming conventions
  3. Sub packages
  4. Types of packages such as user-defined packages, built-in packages
  5. Importing packages in Java
  6. Packages in Java with Example Programs

Chapter 4: Data types in Java


  1. Primitive data types
  2. Non-primitive data types
  3. Memory allocation of primitive and non-primitive data types, etc.

Chapter 5: Variables, Constants, and Literals

  1. Variable declaration & initialization
  2. Naming convention
  3. Types of variables such as local variables, instance variables, and static variables
  4. Scope and memory allocation of variables.
  5. Variables in Java | Types of Variables

Chapter 6: Methods in Java


  1. Use of method in Java
  2. Method declaration, method signature
  3. Types of methods in Java: predefined method,user-defined methods:       instance method, static method
  4. Calling of method
  5. Java main method
  6. Return type in Java.
  7. Java Methods | Declaration & Method Signature

Chapter 7: Constructor in Java


  1. What is Constructor in Java?
  2. Types of constructors: Default and Parameterized constructors
  3. Java constructor overloading
  4. Constructor chaining in java
  5. Copy constructor in Java

Chapter 8: Modifiers in Java


  1. What is Access modifier and Non-access modifier in Java?
  2. Types of access modifiers like
    1. private
    2. default
    3. protected
    4. public
  3. Types of Non-access modifiers like abstract, final, native, static, Strictfp, synchronized modifier, transient, volatile.

Chapter 9: Static Keyword


  1. What is Static keyword?
    1. Static variable
    2. Static method
  2. Static block
  3. Instance block
  4. Static Nested Class in Java
  5. Difference between varibles
    1. static variable
    2. instance variable
    3. static method
    4. instance method
    5. static block
    6. instance block.

Chapter 10: Final Keyword


  1. Final keyword
  2. Final variable
  3. Final method
  4. Final class.

Chapter 11: Inner Class in Java


  1. What is Inner class in Java?, Properties of inner class, Instantiating inner class.
  2. Types of inner class in Java:
    1. Normal inner class,
    2. Method local inner class,
    3. Anonymous inner class,
    4. Static nested class.

Chapter 12: Super and this Keyword


  1. Super keyword
  2. Calling of superclass instance variable
  3. Superclass constructor
  4. Superclass method.
  5. This keyword
  6. Calling of current class constructor, and method.

Chapter 13: OOPs concepts



  1. Encapsulation in Java
  2. How to achieve Encapsulation
  3. Data hiding
  4. Tightly encapsulated class
  5. Getter and setter method in Java
  6. Naming convention of getter and setter method


    1. Inheritance in Java
    2. Is-A Relationship
    3. Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
    4. Types of inheritance:
      1. Single level,
      2. Multilevel,
      3. Hierarchical,
      4. Multiple,
      5. Hybrid inheritance.


    1. Types of polymorphism:
      1. Compile-time polymorphism
      2. Run-time polymorphism
    2. Static and Dynamic Binding4
    3. Method overloading
    4. Method overriding
    5. Rules of method overloading and method overriding, various  example programs related to rules of overloading and overriding.
    6. Covariant Return type


    1. Abstraction in Java
    2. Abstract class
    3. Abstract method
    4. Interface in Java
    5. Nested interface, rules, and example programs.
    6. Garbage Collection

      Chapters 14: Files&Streams


      1. FileOutputStream, FileInputStream
      2. BufferedOutputStream, BufferedInputStream
      3. SequenceInputStream
      4. ByteArrayOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream
      5. DataOutputStream, DataInputStream
      6. Java FilterOutputStream, Java FilterInputStream
      7. Java ObjectStream, Java ObjectStreamField
      8. Console
      9. FilePermissionWriter, Reader, FileWriter, FileReader
      10. BufferedWriter, BufferedReader
      11. CharArrayReader, CharArrayWriter
      12. PrintStream, PrintWriter
      13. OutputStreamWriter, InputStreamReader
      14. PushbackInputStream, PushbackReader
      15. StringWriter, StringReader
      16. PipedWriter, PipedReader
      17. FilterWriter, FilterReader, File FileDescriptor, RandomAccessFile, and util.Scanner.

      Chapter 15: Collections Framework



      1. What is Collections Framework?
      2. List, Set, SortedSet, Queue, Deque, Map, Iterator, ListIterator, and Enumeration.
      3. ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, ArrayDeque, PriorityDeque, EnumSet, AbstractCollection, AbstractList, AbstractQueue, AbstractSet, and AbstractSequentialList.
      4. Map, Map Entry, SortedMap, and NavigableMap
      5. HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, IdentityHashMap, WeakHashMap, and EnumMap.
      6. Comparator, RandomAccess interfaces as well as Observable class.
      7. Serialization


      Chapter 16: Exception Handling in Java


      1. Exception Handling in Java
      2. Try-catch block
      3. Multiple Catch Block
      4. Nested try block
      5. Finally block
      6. Throw Keyword
      7. Throws Keyword
      8. Throw vs Throws, Final vs Finally vs Finalize
      9. Exception Handling with Method Overriding Java Custom Exceptions

      Chapter17: Java Reflection APIs


      1. Reflection in Java
      2. Reflection API
      3. NewInstance() & Determining the class object
      4. Javap tool, Creating javap tool
      5. Creating applet viewer
      6. Accessing private method from outside the class

      Chapter18: Java Array


      1. Java Array
      2. Types of array: single dimensional array, multidimensional array, declaration, instantiation, and initialization of Java array
      3. Passing array to a method
      4. Anonymous array in Java
      5. Cloning an array in Java

      Chapter19: String, String Buffer, String Builder


      1. String,
      2. Immutable String
      3. String Comparision, String concatenation
      4. Substring
      5. StringBuffer class
      6. StringBuilder class
      7. toString method
      8. StringTokenizer class

      Chapter20: Java Thread


      1. Java multithreading
      2. Multithreading life cycle of a thread creating
      3. Thread scheduler
      4. Sleeping a thread, Start a thread twice
      5. Calling run() method
      6. Joining a thread
      7. Naming a thread
      8. Thread priority,
      9. Daemon thread
      10. Thread pool
      11. Thread group
      12. Shutdownhook
      13. Java Synchronization: synchronized method, synchronized block, static synchronization
      14. Deadlock
      15. Inter-thread Communication
      16. Interrupting Thread

      Chapter21: JDBC


      1. JDBC Drivers
      2. Steps to connect to Database
      3. Connectivity with Oracle
      4. Connectivity with MySQL
      5. Connectivity with Access without DSN
      6. DriverManager
      7. Types of JDBC statements: Statement, Prepared statement, Callable statement
      8. Database Metadata, Resultset Metadata
      9. ResultSet, types of ResultSet,
      10. Storing image, Retrieving image
      11. Storing file, Retrieving file, Stored procedures, and functions
      12. Transaction Management
      13. Batch Processing
      14. JDBC New Features, Mini Project, and interview questions.


      Jordan Reynolds


      Duis egestas aliquet maecenas erat eros, fringilla et leo eget, viverpretium. Quisque sed augue tincidunt, posuere dui tempor, dapibus nisi. Donec vel lectus sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.